How the edibles are consumed

This article explains  the various ways to consume THC edibles. The article will take you through consumption ways such as vaping, taking in form of tablets, pills and eating THC.

THC is one of the products of cannabis plants. Most of the time it is used by people for pleasure or to treat chronic health problems. Many people may wonder whether this THC is safe for consumption. They will ask, is it edible? The answer is yes.

The various ways to consume THC edibles are through smoking, eating , vaping etc. This may be the reason why they are called edibles.

How the edibles are consumed

 In the popular world, THC is known to be consumed through smoking. However, smoking is not for everyone. The different  ways to consumeTHC edibles are as discussed above ensure that everyone who needs it can take the edibles differently, depending on the one that suits them.

Infused gummies

THC can be consumed through infusing.  This means that one uses the product in liquid form either when dipped in other ingredients when steeped in. 


This means mixing the THC with lemon mix. This ensures it becomes edible. People who are lovers of lemonade can enjoy THC in this form.

Pills, capsules and tablets

The other way to consume the THC is through the medical capsules pills and tablets. Manufacturers advice you to talk to your doctor to direct you on which way will be right for you. The advantage of such pills is that with a swallow, you are all done.


Powdered THC is very convenient since it can be dissolved in water similarly to the sports supplements. This way is quite easy, precise and has a quicker onset unlike the traditional consumption of these edibles.

Transdermal patches

These patches allows THC to penetrate through the bloodstream. It is good this way since it can be removed in case of side effects. It is done by placing the patch with THC on the skin and allowing it to penetrate.


This is through inhaling, not smoking. It is a good way since it ensures that it penetrates the lungs easily and hence quicker results.


This is when it is applied directly to the skin in form of gel, balms, lotion or salves. They have much less bioavailability compared to the ones consumed  through ingestion. When using this method, to ensure it’s healthy, ensure that no psychotropic effect is left on the skin. 


Having discussed the methods above, it is clear that the ways to consume THC edibles are so many. This means that one can go for the one that fits them. Those who prefer swallowing can go for swallowing. Those who prefer a certain method can also go their way. 

Weed Smart

What you should know about Sativa vs Indica Cannabis Strains

Cannabis, commonly known as marijuana is a mind-altering drug extracted from the cannabis plant. Sativa and Indica are among the variety of strains developed from the cannabis plant. Cannabis is largely used as a recreational drug but also as a medicinal drug as discussed in this article.

Sativa vs Indica cannabis strains differences

Besides being developed from the same plant, Sativa vs Indica cannabis strains has varying species which differentiates them. Not only do they differ in their physiological effects, but also their appearance. According to research, Sativa is a tall plant with narrow leaves whereas Indica is a short plant with wide leaves. They both have various mental and physical effects.

Cannabis sativa strains

Cannabis sativa is a herbaceous species that stimulate the mind. It is known to survive in warm areas. Cannabis Sativa is commonly said to be ‘head high’ or ‘mind high’ even though it does not leave you feeling heavy or sleepy.

      Effects associated with sativa strains

  • Energizing –Sativa strains contain terpenes that provide an energy boost that definitely change how you feel. This is mostly used by consumers who use it before undertaking an activity. In addition, a change in mood alleviates depression and anxiety.
  • Uplifting- many consumers of Sativa strains tend not to feel relaxed and involve themselves in social activities after use.
  • Creativity- Sativa strains consumption increases cerebral blood flow which makes the brain active hence you may feel very productive and creative.
  • Insomnia-this often happen to night-time users, since Sativa strains boosts energy, you could end up being unable to sleep.
  • Dry mouth- THC in Sativa strains binds with receptors in your salivary gland and hence slows production.

Cannabis Indica strains (click here for best online weed dispensary in BC)

 In Sativa vs Indica cannabis strains, indica strains tend to have higher THC. It is associated with full-body effects meaning it makes you feel relaxed. Unlike sativa strains, Indica strains are well suited for people with insomnia, pain, and nausea. 

        Effects associated with Indica strains

  • Relaxing– Indica strain has terpene shown to produce relaxing and anti-anxiety effects.
  • Nausea-soothing- many consumers find Indica strain to have a fruity flavor and hence help stop the feeling of being nauseous.
  • Appetite-this a good thing for those people with low appetite. Indica strain will boost your appetite.
  • Pain relief-the percentage of THC in indica strains may help to relieve pain, especially chronic pain.
  • Dizziness-Indica strain is known to have a terpene that lowers blood pressure and cerebral blood flow, causing dizziness.
  • Paranoia- some compounds in indica strains trigger the brain and hence increases fear and paranoia


According to Sativa vs Indica cannabis strains’ effects, it is safe to have knowledge of both its positive and negative effects before indulging in any of the strains. It is also important to know that every individual experiences and responds to these strains differently according to one’s physiological system. It is therefore always important to consult with one’s doctor.

5 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About: Daily CBD Oil Intake Benefits

CBD oil can indeed be taken orally (by combining it with a drink or meal to dilute the flavor) or sublingually (by inserting a few drops beneath the tongue): It’s also the most precise way that’s because a dropper allows for precise control of the quantity of oil consumed).

It is the substance that produces the quickest results, with effects beginning roughly 10 minutes after intake. Daily CBD oil intake benefits many people in the following ways:

  1. Potentials against Insomnia

These days, lack of sleep or insomnia is a very common ailment (11% of the population suffer from chronic insomnia and 30% will experience it during their lifetime). Cannabis in general is well known to fight sleep disorders, but CBD would be more suitable in cases of insomnia because it affects the quality of sleep in the long term. This is one of the great roles of Daily CBD oil intake

  1. Protection against skin problems

The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD oil are said to reduce the production of lipids in the skin cells and regulate the production of sebum. Daily CBD oil intake benefits the skin in a natural way to fight acne and dryness of the skin.

In addition to its potential for action against acne problems, CBD-infused creams & balms are said to help relieve itching, swelling, and redness associated with eczema and other inflammatory skin conditions like psoriasis.

  1. Reduces stress

Serotonin aids in emotional and behavioral regulation. More generally, it plays a preponderant role in mental health. CBD affects how brain receptors respond to serotonin. Studies indicate that CBD acts on the parts of the brain responsible for stress: As a result of consuming CBD oil, users will notice: 

  • Decreased stress
  • Stress-related physiological consequences are reduced
  1. ANTI-CANCER Potential

Cannabis’ anti-cancer potential has been researched since the 1970s.  We learn that cannabis can destroy the spread of cancer cells & the growth of metastases. This phenomenon has been observed in different kinds of cancer (uterus, lung, thyroid, colon, brain in particular) which would show the anticancer or at least anti-tumor power of CBD. 

In addition to Daily CBD oil intake benefits, CBD may help reduce the unwanted side effects of chemotherapy treatment for cancer (pain, vomiting, anxiety & insomnia).

  1. Neurodegenerative Treatments

The involvement of the CB1 receptor in neurodegenerative diseases has been established. CBD, because of its part, will further operate on the CB1 brain receptor, making it useful in the battle against major illnesses and also symptoms associated, such as:

  • strokes 
  • multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s disease


This is not an entire list, further scientific studies on the diseases and pathologies that we’ve just discussed are ongoing. They will thus expand our knowledge of the supposed virtues of CBD and therefore of CBD oil.

To summarize, CBD would have many benefits (anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiolytic, anti-psychotic, anti-oxidant …) and could improve the lives of many patients fighting against certain pathologies or their symptoms including “classic” remedies.